-escape the ordinary-

zozo... by ~zabaroe on deviantART
i try to make a flash game.. here it is.. (my own project):
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"Click thumbnail to play!"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oops.. Blub

Hi, ini test game pertamaku. Masih sederhana sih, baru buat 1 level, silakan kalo mo coba...& komentar/sarannya amat ditunggu: main disini atau disini atau main pada bagian paling bawah blog ini. Oiya, game ini dulu masuk salah satu kategori 'most innovational game' di Belugerin Flash Game Contest 2009 (padahal game-nya masih simple {^.^}).
Ini screenshot-nya:

Game description:
You must make bubbles to coop in the butterflies in it. When the bubbles (with a butterfly) already steady fly on the sky, jump to catch it. Complete your progress level until 100% (reach 1000 point). There're 3 random bonuses that you can used to barter your butterflies, it can make your progress level complete faster.

Arrow key (Left, Right, Up, Down) or A, S, W, D on keyboard to move the player. Use the space bar to make a bubble, this bubble is used to coop in the butterfly in it. Use the shift key on keyboard to jump. You must jump to catch the bubbles (with butterfly) that already steady fly on the sky. Use 1,2,3 on keyboard to barter the glow bonus with your butterflies. Use P to pause the game or back to menu.